Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Go after violators of no-wake zones

| August 13, 2007 9:00 PM

Hooray for George Taylorson of Priest River's Letter to the Editor on July 31 regarding the use of "illegal buoys."

The total disregard and complete ignorance of the no-wake zones by motorized craft on Lake Pend Oreille has forced property owners to take measures into their own hands and install "no wake" buoys within 200 feet of docks and shorelines along the lake.

Mr. Taylorson is absolutely right that the Sheriff's office does not and does not intend to enforce the 200 foot no-wake law. While ideally the sheriff should install signs, distribute literature and generally educate the public on the boating rules of the road, as well as enforce those rules, it simply as not going to happen. History supports this.

I have a right to enjoy my kayak and swim off my dock without the fear of being run over by a motorized boat or jet ski. I agree with Mr. Taylorson: Leave the property owners and the buoys alone and let the sheriff apprehend those violating the no-wake within 200 feet of a fixed object or shoreline law.

