Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Recycling needed at Clark Fork Dumpsters

| December 15, 2007 8:00 PM

One rainy dark day this fall, in my usual doom and gloom about approaching winter, (sorry snow fans) and the garden and yard wrapped up, in my never-ending quest to at least do one useful thing every winter, I decide after 69 years on this planet, to stop filling up landfills and start recycling in earnest.

A couple of years ago the people that rule decided the lucky people of Clark Fork needed a dump site, complete with hige fence, gates that lock, window stickers for property owners, since they collect taxes, and a cute little shack complete with live attendant, who incidently is a very nice man.

My husband, rolling his eyes, assures me that Waste Mangement sorts through the garbage they pick up and recycle. Wrong! I called. Nobody's digging through my garbage. They're hauling it to Oregon so I happily buy the large-size trash bags, stack all my paper, stomp and flatten water bottles, which are a lot if you live in Clark Fork, and don't drink beer or pop, no glass. In two weeks I have bags everywhere, so one sunny day I decide this is the day. I filled up the trunk and back seat of my car, drive to the dump site, the attandant checks my sticker. Me, "Hi, I'm here to recycle! Where do I put the plastic?" Him, "Idaho doesn't recycle plastic."

Huh? We're filling the landfills with tons of plastic. But you can take it to Dover or Colburn. Great, how many people will do that?


Clark Fork