Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Unwrap your Christmas memories and share them

| December 22, 2007 8:00 PM

My siblings blame me for spoiling that Christmas.

By the time they got up there wasn't an unwrapped, unboxed, unstuffed package or stocking anywhere in sight.

In my defense, I was 3. We also had two trees that year — the first and only time my mom attempted to have a tabletop tree in the upstairs living room.

It took a fair bit for my folks to figure out which presents belonged to which child.

I also clearly remember my great-grandparents. Immigrants from the former Torontal, Hungary, my great-grandparents lived in Phoenix, Ariz., and we made a couple of trips to visit them.

Every couple of months, my great-grandfather would mail huge boxes filled with oranges, grapefruits and pecans. I remember cracking the pecans in this tube-shaped contraption that you pulled back on and let slam into the nut.

The year I opened up all the presents and pecans pies are what I remember the most about Christmas.

While I don't open up my brothers' and sisters' Christmas presents any more, it isn't truly the holidays unless I have a piece of pecan pie.

What is your favorite Christmas or holiday memory?

Share your stories and photos with us and we'll print them next week.

Memories can be sent to the Bonner County Daily Bee, P.O. Box 159, Sandpoint, Idaho 83864, or dropped off at 310 Church St. in Sandpoint. You may also e-mail your memories and/or photos, along with your name, to

Caroline Lobsinger is the managing editor of the Daily Bee.