Wednesday, December 18, 2024

No new taxes

| December 26, 2007 8:00 PM

That "black hole" of property taxation, LPOSD, is back again planning in 2008 to extract $18.3 million in plant facilities levy from its "money tree," we property owners. Look through the smoke and mirrors of LPOSD's upcoming propaganda deluge. Vote "no" as in 2006. LPOSD must learn to make do with existing resources just like the rest of us!

LPOSD '05 funding was 38 percent of my property taxes. In '06 when the state shifted school funding to sales taxes 12 percent; '07, 14 percent. Based on current assessment the proposed levy would increase LPOSD '08 portion to approximately 41 percent. Worse than '05. LPOSD would wipe out property tax reform savings. Worse, a long-term bond is planned to follow the levy. Do your homework, you may be unplesantly suprised.

Property taxes are still uncertain. True reform has not yet been enacted. The 3-percent assessment cap legislation is in the works but last year never made it to a vote. The current economy is fragile. In 2008, recession is a possibility and rising inflation is even a greater risk. The housing mortgage crisis, forclosures, resultant tight credit, resulted is a new construction slump forcasted to last some time. This caused layoffs in the lumber industry, a major economic factor in North Idaho

2008 may likely see a Democrat president, coupled with a Democrat-controlled Congress this will result in more federal social programs and higher federal income taxes. A very uncertain climate exists. Not a good time to commit to higher new property taxes! Vote "no" on LPOSD '08 levy and bond!

