Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Levy offers chance for good schools for affordable price

| February 26, 2007 8:00 PM

A letter writer (Feb. 25, Daily Bee) suggested that Lake Pend Oreille School District should go to a four-day week instead of asking voters to renew the operations and maintenance levy.

I hope he read the story that same day in the newspaper (Page A15) that reported on schools where extended hours are leading to improved outcomes for children. That story also noted that students in the U.S. average less time in instructional classes than students in most other industrialized nations.

In today's reality of high expectations the trend is clearly toward more time in school, not less. Some of the most successful public charter schools in the nation have experimented for several years with longer days, Saturday classes and summer school. These schools, which serve low-income students, are having success in raising achievement levels.

As for the four-day school week in some western states, including Boundary County, these are smaller districts that are making the best out of a not-so-good situation. There is no research-based evidence that shows the four-day week is better for students. Nor does experience show it is a big savings for taxpayers.

As someone who is responsible to parents and students as well as to taxpayers, I want what is best for all — good schools at a price we can afford. The March 20 levy accomplishes that goal. Please vote "yes."



Lake Pend Oreille School District
