Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Stop personalized agendas of special interest groups

| February 26, 2007 8:00 PM

In his letter (Feb. 20, Daily Bee), Lawrence Fury has given us a glimpse into the future. In the spirit of things, I have a few of my own headlines to add.

"Developers announce that lakefront properties will become 'gated' communities, cutting off access for the rest of North Idaho residents."

"Conglomerate real estate giant in downtown Sandpoint given exclusive contract to represent lakefront property sales. (This has already happened).

"High rise lakefront condominiums enjoy direct walking connection to downtown Sandpoint across the Cedar Street Bridge."

"Lakefront developers petition to close off shoreline lake water areas from public use."

"Downtown Sandpoint real estate brokers boast millions made in commissions."

"ITD announces that funding set aside for byway has been spent elsewhere in southern Idaho."

"Road rage incident increase as impatient drivers negotiate downtown congestion."

"Special interest group's baby, the new Sand Creek Park, opens with spectacular views of the back sides of condos and mud flats (i.e.: aquatic environment)."

"Three children killed on train tracks playing in Sand Creek Park."

"Seasonal condo owners now outnumber year-round residents."

We can ensure that we won't ever have to read most of these headlines if the byway goes in. We are on the verge of losing Sandpoint to those who want to turn it into a miniature Disneyland. It might be a nice place for a short visit, but you won't want to live here. We may not be able to stop the influx of people moving here, but we can stop the personalized agenda of special interest groups. Stand united behind the byway.


Priest River