Wednesday, December 18, 2024


| June 1, 2007 9:00 PM

The 2007 harvest target for hatchery spring Chinook salmon in the mainstem

Clearwater River, the North Fork Clearwater River has been achieved.

Pursuant to his authority under Idaho Code Section 36-106(e)(6)(A), the Idaho Department of Fish and Game Director hereby closes the spring Chinook salmon season on May 30 in the mainstream Clearwater River from the Railroad Bridget at Lewiston to the Cherry Lane Bridge and in the North Fork of the Salmon River. Also, the 2007 harvest target for hatchery spring Chinook salmon in the Lower Salmon River-Hammer Creek is expected to be achieved by June 2. Pursuant to his authority under Idaho Code Section 36-106(e)(6)(A), the Idaho Department of Fish and Game Director also

hereby closes the spring Chinook salmon season on the Lower Salmon River-Hammer Creek from Hammer Creek boat ramp upstream to the Time Zone Bridge on June 2.

Copies of Order 07-24 are available at the Idaho Department of Fish and Game headquarters office, 600 South Walnut Avenue, Boise, Idaho 83712,

Dated this 29th day of May 2007.


Cal Groan, Director

Legal SNP# 8708

June 1, 2, 2007