Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Legal Notice

| June 28, 2007 9:00 PM

Cocolalla Lake Association will conduct a Eurasian Watermilfoil treatment of Cocolalla Lake near-shore waters during the approximate period of July 9, 2007 through July 13, 2007, weather permitting. A licensed applicator will apply aquatic herbicides DMA-4, active ingredient 2,4-D, and Reward, active ingredient diquat.

Water use restrictions: Cocolalla Lake shall not be used for domestic water supply purposes for at least 5 days following treatment or until chemical monitoring indicates 2,4-D concentration level is less than 0.070 mg/l, and diquat concentration is less than 0.020 mg/l. Cocolalla Lake shall not be used for irrigation purposes until monitoring indicates 2,4-D concentration level is less than 0.10 mg/l. Livestock and domestic animal watering, and swimming restrictions in treated areas are 3 days and 1 day respectively. There are no fishing restrictions. For information, contact Cocolalla Lake Association representative at (208) 263-4157.

Legal SNP 8769

June 28, 2007