Wednesday, December 18, 2024


| March 22, 2007 9:00 PM


Tuesday, March 6, 2007

On Tuesday, March 6, 2007, the Bonner County Board of County Commissioners met for a regularly scheduled business meeting.


Chairman Lewis Rich called the meeting to order at 8:45 AM with the full board present.



It was recommended to move the Sheriff agenda item to the beginning of the meeting because of a previous commitment. Commissioner Young moved to Adopt the Order of Agenda as amended. Commissioner Crossett seconded. All in favor. The motion passed.


Mr. Hamacher spoke regarding Title 12 Zone revisions that are currently being heard by the Planning and Zoning Commission.


Commissioner Young presented updates on the BCATT meeting he attended last week. Preferred routes were discussed and they are hopeful to have a presentation available in April. The Dover Bridge is still at the top of their list of projects.

The EMS Task Force met last week and Commissioner Young indicated that the scope of work has changed on the committee and will be a time intensive process.

He also shared an update on the resolutions that are printed and in the House and Senate now on boater registration fees, milfoil and George Eskridge°Os bill on personal property tax.

Commissioner Rich attended the Milfoil Task Force meeting and presented an update on their continued progress.

He also attended the Fair Board Meeting and shared various upcoming events scheduled at the fairgrounds.


1) Board of Commissioners°O Meeting Minutes for 2/27/2007

2) Board of Commissioners°O Meeting Minutes for Planning & Zoning for 2/28/2007

3) Request for Liquor License: Hope (R)C Ice House Pizzeria & Bakery

Commissioner Young

Commissioner Young made a motion to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. Commissioner Crossett seconded. All in favor. The motion passed.


1) Forest Service Contract between USDA Forest Service and Bonner County Sheriff.

Marcus Robbins presented information on the contract between USDA Forest Service and Bonner County Sheriff. This is for assistance at the Federal campgrounds for the amount of $4,850.00. Commissioner Young moved to approve the agreement for $4850.00 with Bonner County and USDA Forest Service. Commissioner Crossett seconded. All in favor. The motion passed.


1) Updates on Staff, Projects and Departments

Director Marshall presented an update on staff, projects and departments.

2) Weeds- Acceptance of 2007 Neighborhood Cooperation Program

Director Marshall explained the program to the board and after discussion; Commissioner Young made a motion to approve Resolution #07-16 for the Bonner County 2007 Neighborhood Cooperative Program. Commissioner Crossett seconded. All in favor. The motion passed.

3) Acceptance of Coolin Boat Launch Bid

Captain Steve, LLC doing business as North Idaho Maritime was the lowest bid and $60,900.00 will be the total of the bid awarded. After discussion, Commissioner Young moved to approve the bid of $75,852.50, which will be reduced to $60,900.00 to stay within the budget. Commissioner Crossett Seconded. All in favor. The motion passed.

ROAD & BRIDGE - Chuck Spickelmire

1) Updates on Staff, Road Districts and Projects

Director Spickelmire presented an update on staff, Road Districts and projects.

Director Spickelmire will be attending an auction and would like authorization to purchase equipment such as a loader, skid loader, equipment trailer and etc. Commissioner Young moved to authorize Director Spickelmire to purchase equipment for Bonner County at the Richey Brother°Os Auction, if needed items are available. Commissioner Crossett seconded. All in favor. The motion passed.


1) Appointment of Bonner County Community Guardian Bart Casey- Resolution

After discussion, Commissioner Young moved to approve Resolution # 07-17, the appointment of Community Guardian Bart Casey. Commissioner Crossett seconded. All in favor. The motion passed.

Carol Mueller asked for a description of what a Community Guardian is.

2) Discussion regarding National Guard Armory Proposal

There was discussion regarding the presentation that was given to the board and public. Chairman Rich presented an overview on the intent of the National Guard bringing an armory to Sandpoint.

Some topics discussed by the board and public included:

A6P1 Impact on jail

A6P1 Parking at fairgrounds

A6P1 Concern of existing buildings

A6P1 There is an existing armory in Bonners Ferry

3) Discussion/Decision regarding Priest River EMT payment request

Chairman Rich presented history of the request from Priest River EMT and shared that legal council was consulted. After discussion, Commissioner Crossett moved to table this for today and ask Priest River to present further information for the board. Commissioner Young seconded. All in favor. The motion passed.

Commissioner Young moved to recess the meeting at 9:55AM. Commissioner Crossett seconded. All in favor. The motion passed. The meeting reconvened at 10:30AM.

WEST BONNER GROOMER COMMITTEE (R)C 10:30 Russ Brown & Craig Hill

1) Discussion/Decision (R)C Budget Increase Request

A6P1 Salary Budget

A6P1 Maintenance & Fuel Budget

Russ Brown from the West Bonner Groomer Committee requested increasing their operating budget by $10,000.00. They have funds that have been donated to the committee so this does not impact the county. They have had some breakdowns with their equipment and with the increase in fuel; they need the increase to help fund operating costs. Commissioner Young gave feedback as well, sharing that their budget had been decreased this year and he feels that the request is a valid. There was also discussion about how sticker sales rank and its process.

Commissioner Young moved to approve Resolution # 07-18 for the West Bonner Groomer Committee Budget Increase Request to help with fuel increases and equipment maintenance. Commissioner Crossett seconded. All in favor. The motion passed.

Mr. Hamacher asked a question regarding groomed areas.

Commissioner Young moved to recess the meeting at 10:43AM. Commissioner Crossett seconded. All in favor. The motion passed.

It was mentioned that in the future the business meetings might be held only during the morning session. It appears that most of the business can be handled in the morning. There was public input regarding the possibility of holding the meeting in the afternoon instead of the morning.

The meeting reconvened at 1:30 PM with the full board present.


Mr. Jim Blake asked to speak regarding the Federal Building presentation.

EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT, EMS and 911 DISPATCH - Bob Howard/Steve Kukuruza

1) Update on Staff, Departments, Calls and Projects

Steve Kukuruza presented an update on staff, departments, calls and projects.

A6P1 An Onmi billing report was presented

Commissioner Young moved to recess the meeting at 1:43PM. Commissioner Crossett seconded. All in favor. The motion passed. The meeting reconvened at 2:01PM.


1) Panhandle Area Council (R)C Discussion/Decision on Bid Proposals for Financing of the

Federal Building 2:00 PM Jim Deffenbaugh

Jim Deffenbaugh presented a report on a lease purchase agreement for the Federal Building.

Items covered in the presentation included:

A6P1 Bids were put out to several banks by the Panhandle Area Council.

A6P1 Panhandle State Bank presented the lowest bid with an annual payment of $159,720.00.

A6P1 The Forest Department would like to lease back the bottom floor for two years and at $16.00 a sq. ft, it would be an approximate payment of $154,000.00 from the Forest Service for the first two years.

A6P1 Bonner County would have two-thirds of the building for use as well as the shops for those two years while the Forest Service is there.

A6P1 The Forest Service would only be responsible for the lease.

A6P1 There is no pre payment penalty and it is a one-year renewable lease.

A6P1 This is at 4.83% for a 10 year fixed loan. After a title search, it will take approximately 30-45 days to make the final sale.

A6P1 Civil council has reviewed the lease and does not see any problem with it.

Mr. Hamacher spoke regarding idle funds being used to pay for the building up front.

Mr. Jim Blake spoke regarding the possibility of using funds already available to the county to pay for the building and not using taxpayer°Os money for interest.

Several members of the public had questions regarding interest, idle funds, buy the building now vs. waiting for more information.

After discussion and Commissioner Crossett requested that additional information be sent on various interest rates, Commissioner Young made a motion that Panhandle Area Council move forward with Resolution #07-19, the acquisition of purchasing the Federal Building. Commissioner Crossett seconded. All in favor. The motion passed.

2) Priest River Airport (R)C Memorandum of Understanding Amendment between Gary Rogers and Bonner County.

Civil council made an amendment to the original resolution and it was clarified. After discussion, Commissioner Young moved to approve the new Memorandum of Understanding.

3) Letter of Support for Cocolalla Lake Association°Os Milfoil Grant

Chairman Rich read the letter of support for the Cocolalla Lake Association and after discussion; Commissioner Young moved to approve the letter of support. Commissioner Crossett seconded.

All in favor. The motion passed.

On Tuesday, March 6, 2007, Assessor Jerry Clemons met with the Board to discuss the following Tax Cancellations:

Wednesday, March 7, 2007 the Board met with Assistance Director Susan Shea for the following cases to be considered: Approved: #2006099 Denied #2007014, #2007031, #2007035 and #2007036.

There being no further business, Commissioner Young moved to adjourn the regular business meeting. Commissioner Crossett seconded. All in favor. The motion passed.

The next Board of County Commissioners will be held on Tuesday, March 13, 2007 at the Bonner County Courthouse.

Lewis Rich, Chairman

ATTEST: Marie Scott

By: Pamela J. Vasquez Deputy Clerk

Legal SNP# 8524A6P5March 22, 2007