Thursday, May 09, 2024

Claims are far from settled science

| May 26, 2007 9:00 PM

Are we lemmings charging into the sea? Sandpoint recently made a symbolical gesture by signing on to the U.S. Mayor's Climate Protection Agreement, presumably because of all the hysteria of "global warming" which has heated up ever since Al Gore, that great snake-oil salesman, came out with his documentary: An Inconvenient Truth.

All that despite the fact that scores of climatologists disagree with many of his claims.

You see, it is not settled science as he claims.

Now, I don't mind the lies and distortions he makes nor the carbon offsets that he buys from his own firm, so he can feel good about burning more energy than the rest of us. I'm used to the chicanery of the former vice president. I don't even mind it when he takes pot shots at three Republican administrations for their environmental failings and gives a pass to his own. I simply dismiss it all as brain-freeze.

I'm not suggesting that it's "globaloney," but when a certain Gore protege named Laurie David attributes the latest tornadic disaster at Greensburg, Kan., to global warming, I suggest we lemmings wear an inner tube around our waists.

