Tuesday, August 28, 2007
On Tuesday, August 28, 2007, the Bonner County Board of County Commissioners met for a regular scheduled meeting with the full board present.
Chairman Rich called the meeting to order at 8:48 A.M.
The Invocation was delivered by Pastor Scott Douglas of the Cabinet Mountain Calvary Chapel
After indicating addition of BOCC meeting minutes of 7-31-07, Commissioner Young moved to Adopt the Order of the Agenda as amended. Commissioner Crossett seconded. All in favor. The motion passed.
Mr. Hamacher spoke regarding building permits and buildings being built on right of ways illegally.
Commissioner Young presented an update from the SIEC meeting he attended and shared information about the FCC converting to 700 MzH. It may not affect Bonner County for a few years but is a big step backward. There will continue to be discussion regarding this issue and he will keep the board updated. Commissioner Young met with the group from BASIC and provided them with the lease for review. They will review and contact the board in a couple of weeks.
Commissioner Crossett shared information from the Lakes Commission meeting he attended.
He also shared that the letter to the legislators was sent on the water adjudication issue and that the action was halted for now.
Commissioner Rich shared information on the meeting he attended with Director Marshall and several specialists last week on the lake, regarding milfoil. He also attended the Airport Board meeting where budget issues were the main focus.
All three commissioners spoke about the time they spent at the Fair and commented on its success.
1) Discussion/Decision Regarding EMS Director Hiring Procedures - Robert Tyler
Chief Robert Tyler was present and shared the desires of the EMS Advisory Board regarding the EMS Director hiring process. They are requesting the coordination of a panel of experts to assist in the ranking of applicants. He explained the rationale of this request in detail. There was some discussion regarding a conflict of interest and if by-laws accommodate this kind of process. The board advised him they would take it under advisement and notify them of their decision.
1) Board of Commissioners' Meeting Minutes for 5/29/2007
Commissioner Young moved to approve the Board of Commissioner Meeting Minutes for 5/29/2007 and 7/7/2007. Commissioner Crossett seconded. All in favor. The motion passed.
1) Updates on Staff, Projects and Departments
Director Marshall presented an update on staff, projects and departments.
ROAD & BRIDGE - Chuck Spickelmire
1) Updates on Staff, Road Districts and Projects
Director Spickelmire presented an update on staff, Road Districts and projects.
Commissioner Young vacated the meeting.
1) Approval of Claims for Batch # 24
Commissioner Crossett moved to approve the payment of Claims for Batch # 24. Chairman Rich vacated the Chair and seconded, with the notation that a couple of items be checked. All in favor. The motion passed.
2) Letter of support for Grant Opportunities with Wal-Mart - EMS
Commissioner Crossett moved to approve the letter of support for Wal-Mart as presented. Chairman Rich vacated the Chair and seconded. All in favor. The motion passed.
Commissioner Crossett moved to recess the meeting at 9:35 am. Commissioner Rich vacated the Chair and seconded. All in favor. The motion passed.
1) Discussion/Decision Regarding Time Extension Request for Quail Ridge, File S1185-05
After discussion, Commissioner Crossett moved to approve the time extension request for Quail Ridge, File S1185-05. Chairman Rich vacated the Chair and seconded. All in favor. The motion passed.
2) Discussion/Decision Regarding the Following on Golden Tee, File S1246-05
1. Request for Approval of Survey Surety
After discussion with Director Marley, Commissioner Crossett moved to approve the request for surety for survey for Golden Tee, File S1246-05. Chairman Rich vacated the Chair and seconded. All in favor. The motion passed.
2. Request for Approval of Infrastructure Surety
Commissioner Crossett moved to approve the bonds for approval of infrastructure surety agreement as presented. Chairman Rich vacated the Chair and seconded. All in favor. The motion passed.
Commissioner Young returned to the meeting.
3. Request for Approval of Final Plats of 7th and 8th Additions to Golden Tee
After discussion with Director Marley and representative Chuck Reeves, Commissioner Crossett made the motion to approve the final plats of the 7th and 8th Additions to Golden Tee under the conditions of pending review and signoff of the Panhandle Health District on 7th Addition and approve the final plat of 8th Addition to Golden Tee. Commissioner Young seconded. All in favor. The motion passed.
3) Discussion/Decision Regarding Final Plat Approval of Motor Coach Village at Stoneridge, File S1082-04
Commissioner Young moved to table this item today at Director Marley's request. Commissioner Crossett seconded. All in favor. The motion passed.
4) Updates on Staff, Calls, Permits and Applications
Director Marley presented an update on staff, calls, permits and applications. Paperwork was presented for administrative signatures, as well.
Possible dates for the public hearings will be Oct. 9 and Oct. 11
Information on Bike to Work Day was presented by Lori Burchett
Planning & Zoning Commission appointments were discussed.
Commissioner Young moved to enter into Executive Session under Idaho Code S67-2345 (F) regarding Litigation with director Clare Marley and civil council, Louis Marshall with the full Board present. Roll call: Commissioner Young Aye, Commissioner Rich Aye. Commissioner Crossett came in late to this meeting.
Commissioner Young moved to continue the Executive Session under Idaho Code S67-2345 (B) Personnel with Bob Howard, Sheriff Elaine Savage and Louis Marshall. Roll call: Commissioner Young Aye, Commissioner Rich Aye
At 11:29 A.M. Commissioner Young moved to adjourn the Executive Sessions and reconvene the regular business meeting. Commissioner Crossett seconded. All in favor. The motion passed.
1) Update on Staff, Departments, Calls and Projects
Director Howard introduced John Gentry of Upper Pack River Fire District, a newly formed district that will service Bonner and Boundary County. There is no fire district in their area currently. Mr. Gentry shared there is no tax revenue and this is not a taxing district; it is a membership district with five current members; it is a non profit organization and they have a board of directors. He was asked if they had obtained legal council and he said no. The board recommended that they seek council. Mr. Gentry stated they have modeled themselves off of another district and it is his understanding that they do not have to go through the Commissioner's office for approval. They will continue to seek the information they need to move forward with their District.
Director Howard presented an update from the Avista meeting he and Commissioner Rich attended.
Mitigation funds have been awarded and Homeland Security will be here on September 21st at 8:00 A.M. to award the funds.
EOC training will be available for elected officials during upcoming months.
2) Discussion/Decision Regarding EMS Building in Priest River and with Panhandle Area Council
There was extensive discussion regarding the EMS building in Priest River and after reviewing the paperwork provided, which has been reviewed by legal council, Commissioner Young moved to have Bob contact Paul at PAC to bring the final lease option forward to the Board, for approval. Commissioner Crossett seconded. All in favor. The motion passed.
3) Discussion/Decision Regarding Agency Contracts with Bonner County/EMS
Some contracts are still not here from legal council so discussion occurred on contracts available and the Board will see if the others are available this afternoon.
Steve Kukuruza presented information on various proposals and ideas for solutions for Priest River/Priest Lake
Option One: Hire 3 basic EMT's to place in Priest River - $ 91,665.00 would be additional cost.
Option Two: EMS would use the existing staff and relocating some of the staff. There would be challenges with weekend shifts and the use of volunteers would be essential. This probably would not cost the county any additional dollars.
Option Three: A combination of both one and two. Take 3 Advanced EMT's to Priest River, 3 advanced EMT's in Priest Lake. Cost would be approximately $112,000.00.
There was extensive discussion regarding all three options and the pros and cons of all options. Some of the concerns covered included:
Double Calls
Working with and housing of volunteer groups
Supporting Priest River was the consensus of the board.
The budget for the districts will stay as they are and contracts will be secured by Bob.
Steve Kukuruza presented an update on EMS.
3) Discussion/Decision Regarding Medical Director for Bonner County - EMS
There was discussion regarding the Medical Director position and his contract through October of 2007. Commissioner Crossett shared that he had concerns about the contract and whether or not the contract was current. There was extensive discussion regarding the new contract Director Howard had provided with the $6,000.00 increase. He will check the budget and see if the increase has been accommodated for in the 2008 budget. The Board requested a detailed summary of the professional services expenses.
Commissioner Young moved to recess the meeting until 1:30 P.M. Commissioner Crossett seconded. All in favor. The motion passed. The meeting was reconvened at 1:32 P.M. with the full Board present.
Steve Kukuruza explained the professional services expenses in detail as the commissioners requested earlier today. There was continued discussion regarding budget, agreements, Fire Districts and the Medical Director Contract, Commissioner Crossett indicated he would like to see a more detailed accounting. The board will continue with the regular business meeting while more information is gathered.
4) Discussion/Decision Regarding Endorsement of Letter to Congressman Sali for support attaining funding from the FAA for Remote Communications Outlet - Sandpoint Airport Advisory Board
After discussion, Commissioner Young moved to approve the letter of support as recommended from the Sandpoint Airport Advisory Board. Commissioner Crossett seconded. All in favor. The motion passed.
5) Discussion/Decision Regarding Grant for Federal Assistance for Airport Projects as Listed on Action Request.
Commissioner Young moved to approve the application request for Grant for Federal Assistance for Airport Projects as listed from Airport Advisory Board. Commissioner Crossett seconded. All in favor. The motion passed.
There was continued discussion regarding detailed line items as requested from EMS staff. The board requested that the Clerk review the figures so the board has specific facts on what the total amount of option one would cost the county, as well as the cost of Medical Director.
After discussion, Commissioner Young moved to approve the contract with Dr. French with knowledge the funds are available and pending his signature. Commissioner Crossett seconded with more discussion. He proposed offering an extension to October 1. Commissioner Young amended his motion to say the original contract will be in effect until Oct 1 and a new contract will be developed starting October 1, 2007 through September 30 of the next year. Commissioner Crossett seconded. All in favor. The motion passed.
6) Decision Regarding RC & D Lakes Commission Appointment - Commissioner Crossett
Commissioner Young moved to appoint Commissioner Crossett to the RC & D Lakes Commission. Commissioner Rich vacated the Chair and seconded. All in favor. The motion passed.
7) Discussion/Decision Regarding Design Services with LCA for the Tenant Improvements to the Third Floor, First Floor Meeting Room and HVAC Replacement in the Old Federal Building.
After discussion, Commissioner Young moved to approve the design services with LCA for tenant improvements to the third floor, first floor meeting room and HVAC replacement. Commissioner Crossett seconded. All in favor. The motion passed.
8) Discussion/Decision Regarding Change Order for Priest River Airport Fencing Project
After extensive discussion regarding the change order at Priest River there was discussion with Wade Coldiron and the Board regarding gate placement and an adjacent property owner's access. Commissioner Young will contact the FAA regarding the concern and he will personally go see the property this evening to clarify the situation. Chairman Rich tried to contact Sandy Simmons of the FAA to speak to her regarding this situation and had to leave a message.
After further discussion and hearing that there is a large enough area for the property owner to access his barn without the gate in place, Commissioner Young made the motion to approve the change order for $20, 350.75, as presented. Commissioner Crossett seconded. All in favor. The motion passed.
Commissioner Young also requested to have Wade instruct them to move the gates appropriately as proposed by the drawing and to adhere to the FAA language.
9) Approval of One-Week Extension for LPOSD #84 L2 Certification - Clerk
Commissioner Young moved to approve the one week extensions for L2 certification for LPOSD # 84 and West Bonner School Dist #83. Commissioner Crossett seconded. All in favor. The motion passed.
There was continued discussion with the Clerk, Marie Scott to answer more questions the Board had regarding budget concerns for EMS contracts, Medical Director and any new positions as earlier discussed.
There being no further business for the day, Commissioner Crossett moved to adjourn the meeting at 2:40 pm. Commissioner Young seconded. All in favor. The motion passed.
On Wednesday, August 22, 2007, Assistance Director, Kevin Rothenberger and Julie Jasper met with the Board for the following cases to be heard: Denial: #2007122, #2007123, # 2007124, 2007125, #2007128 and #2007143 Final Denial: # 2007065
On Monday, August 27, 2007 at 10:00A.M. and 6:00P.M. the full Board met with the Clerk of the Board for public hearings regarding the ambulance and Bonner County budgets.
On Wednesday, August 29, 2007 the full Board met at the Bonner County Courthouse at 10:00A.M.and approved Resolution #07-64, adopting the Bonner County Ambulance District Budget and Bonner County, Idaho Budget for Fiscal Year 2007/2008.
Lewis Rich, Chairman
ATTEST: Marie Scott
By: Pamela J. Vasquez, Deputy Clerk
Legal SNP 9009
October 3, 2007
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
On Tuesday, September 11, 2007 the Board of County Commissioners met for a regular scheduled business meeting with the full Board present.
The meeting was called to order at 8:45 AM
The Invocation was delivered by Pastor Harvey Riffle from the Faith Evangelical Free Church of Sandpoint. Today the Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance was held outside at the flag pole and a moment of silence was observed.
Commissioner Young moved to Adopt the Order of the Agenda as presented. Commissioner Crossett seconded. All in favor. The motion passed.
Commissioner Crossett shared information on the Pack River project that is being overseen by volunteers. He also shared information from the Bonner General Hospital meeting he attended. Planning and Zoning workshops have been occurring and the commissioners shared they feel positive about the meetings but are concerned with the lack of attendance.
A Fair Board update was given by Commissioner Rich; he stated he requested information the forms/procedures being used for the various events and booths at the fair.
1) Board of Commissioners' Meeting Minutes for 9/04/2007
2) Board of Commissioners' Meeting Minutes for Planning & Zoning 5/2/2007 (Amended) and 4/25/2007 (Two sets, Public Meeting/Public Hearing)
3) Request for Liquor License: Coolin - Leonard Paul Store
Commissioner Young moved to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. Commissioner Crossett seconded. All in favor. The motion passed.
1) Updates on Staff, Projects and Departments
Director Marshall presented an update on staff, projects and departments.
?She is attending the RAC meeting next week to see about securing grant funding.
2) Discussion/Decision Regarding Solid Waste Disposal Fees Resolution - Resolution
After discussion and with knowledge from legal council stating that a public hearing is not necessary because fees are not being changed, Commissioner Young moved to approve Resolution #07-68 for Solid Waste Disposal Fees. Commissioner Crossett seconded. All in favor. The motion passed.
3) Discussion/Decision Regarding United Recycling Contract
After discussion, Commissioner Young moved to approve the contract with United Recycling as presented. Commissioner Crossett seconded. All in favor. The motion passed.
ROAD & BRIDGE - Chuck Spickelmire
1) Updates on Staff, Road Districts and Projects
Director Marshall presented an update on staff, Road Districts and projects.
Camp Bay Road is complete
2) Discussion Regarding Maintenance Issue on Baldy Mt. Road with Ken Lundy
Ken Lundy was here with several people from his area pertaining to an issue he indicated has been going on for twenty five years. Some concerns included:
Resolving this issue at the county level with the commissioners.
Promises from supervisors and commissioners in the past have not been kept.
There are hard feelings between neighbors; they pay taxes for road maintenance and this causes hard feelings amongst resident's living there; they feel they are not getting their fair share.
This portion of road is used by many people in Bonner County for various activities and those people are not are not paying for the maintenance on that road.
The Stimpson Project was discussed regarding possible changes that may occur in the future.
Equipment was promised to them in the past and they have never seen it.
Current residents continue to pay out of their own pockets for maintenance and feel it is not fair.
A petition of forty-one signatures was presented to the commissioners regarding this issue.
Who owns the road? Closing the road was brought up, too. There was continued discussion regarding these issues and the group that was present shared they feel it is the responsibility of the county to help accommodate for the changes occurring in the county.
Dawna Clarine spoke regarding the use of the road by other people who do not help maintain it.
The board will review this matter and told Mr. Lundy they would contact him in the next thirty days. Commissioner Young explained he researched this issue last year and as frustrating as it is to all of them, it is a budget issue and legally there is probably nothing they can do. If there is more documentation that is available, the board is more than willing to review it and pursue the concern.
The group is hopeful the board will do something because they will continue to pursue this issue. They
inquired if the county wants the road left open. There was continued discussion regarding the problems that occur when people live in rural areas such as theirs.
1) Update on Staff, Departments, Calls and Projects
Steve Kukuruza presented an update on staff, departments, calls and projects.
Steve shared that there was a problem with the policy handbook language, floating holidays and has made the changes. It will need to be reviewed by legal council and then administratively handled after that.
Commissioner Young moved to approve the change after legal review. Commissioner Crossett seconded. All in favor. The motion passed.
Commissioner Crossett requested that a report be generated that shows accident time and incident responses.
Steve indicated that the records system is changing and the new system won't take effect until probably November. He will keep the Board posted on the status of the changes.
2) Discussion/Decision Regarding North Idaho Credit Corporation Contract
Commissioner Young moved to approve the contract with North Idaho Credit Corporation as presented. Commissioner Crossett seconded. All in favor. The motion passed.
3) Discussion/Decision Regarding Remaining EMS Agency Contracts with Bonner County
There was discussion regarding a letter from the Priest River Ambulance District.
Commissioner Young moved to approve the Memorandum of Understanding as presented for the amount of $38,320.00 between Kootenai County Ambulance and Bonner County. Commissioner Crossett seconded. The motion passed.
Commissioner Young made a motion to enter into Executive Session under Idaho Code S67-2345(B) regarding Personnel with the full Board and Steve Kukuruza present. Commissioner Crossett seconded. All in favor. The motion passed. Roll call: Commissioner Young Aye, Commissioner Rich Aye, Commissioner Crossett Aye
The meeting reconvened at 10:28 A.M.
1) Approval of Final Plat of Hillwood Park, File # S1138-04
After discussion, Commissioner Young moved to approve the final plat of Hillwood Park, File #S1138-04 after Clare signs the one condition discussed when it arrives and then authorize the Chair to sign administratively. Commissioner Crossett seconded. All in favor. The motion passed.
2) Approval of Final Plat of Kestrel Meadows, File # 1436-06
After discussion, there was an error discovered on the Fire District entered, which will be corrected. Commissioner Young moved to approve the final plat of Kestrel Meadows, File #1436-06 and authorize the Chair to sign, when the administrative change of Fire District is made. Commissioner Crossett seconded. All in favor. The motion passed.
3) Approval of Final Plat of Rewop 29, File #SS1482-07
Commissioner Young moved to approve the final plat of Rewop 29, File #SS1482-07 and authorize the Chair to sign. Commissioner Crossett seconded. All in favor. The motion passed.
4) Updates on Staff, Calls, Permits and Applications
Discussion on advertising of the Planning and Zoning workshops and hearings.
Radio and flyer announcements for the upcoming meetings and hearings need to occur.
Training will be held on November 7 for the Board, P & Z Commission and staff.
Clare updated the Board on the FEMA recertification agreement. Commissioner Young moved to approve the agreement as presented. Commissioner Crossett seconded. All in favor. The motion passed.
1) Resolution for Treasury Appropriation for Justice Fund-Public Defender's Office
After discussion, Commission Young move to approve Resolution #07-69 treasury appropriation for the Public Defender's Office as presented. Commissioner Crossett seconded. All in favor. The motion passed.
2) Discussion/Decision Regarding Waiver of Fees for Connection of Fire, Water and Sewer Service at the Proposed EMT Facility in Priest River
Commissioner Young explained that he had negotiated with the city to waive the fees for the set up fees for sewer, water and fire. Commissioner Young moved to contact Bob to have him send them a letter asking them to waive these fees as discussed. Commissioner Crossett seconded. All in favor. The motion passed.
3) Discussion/Decision Regarding Contract between Don Carr, a Veterans' Service Officer and Bonner County - Clerk
After discussion, Commissioner Young moved to approve the contract between Don Carr and Bonner County. Commissioner Crossett seconded. All in favor. The motion passed.
Commissioner Young moved
4) Approval for Payment of Claims for Batch # 25
Commissioner Young moved to approve the claims for payment with the exception of one item that had been questioned. Commissioner Crossett seconded. All in favor. The motion passed.
5) Discussion/Decision Regarding Lease for Public Defender's Office Space
Commissioner Young moved to approve the lease as presented and reviewed by legal council. Commissioner Crossett seconded. All in favor. The motion passed.
6) Discussion/Decision Regarding Appointment of One Voting Position to the Aquatic Invasive Weeds Task Force by a Kalispell Tribe Member
Commissioner Crossett spoke about appointing a Kalispell member to the task force. Frances
Cullooyah would be the person appointed with Dean Osterman as an alternate. After discussion, Commissioner Young made the motion to approve the recommendation made by Commissioner
Crossett but also asked for discussion regarding the wording on the current resolution, and is this member replacing another member. After discussion, Commissioner Crossett seconded. All in favor. The motion passed.
Betty Kinne made a comment regarding the water adjudication issue.
7) Discussion Regarding Hugh Nisbet Letter
This item will be discussed in Executive Session.
Commissioner Young made a motion to enter into Idaho Code S67-2345 (B) regarding Personnel. Commissioner Crossett seconded. All in favor. The motion passed. Roll call: Commissioner Young Aye, Commissioner Rich Aye, Commissioner Crossett Aye
There being no further business for the day, Commissioner Young moved to adjourn the executive session as well as the regular business meeting.
On September 5, 2007, Assistance Director Kevin Rothenberger met with the Board for the following cases to be considered: Denial, #2007132, #2007133, #2007134 and #2007135
On September 10, 2007, Treasurer Cheryl Piehl met with the Board to discuss tax cancellations:
Lewis Rich, Chairman
ATTEST: Marie Scott
By: Pamela J. Vasquez, Deputy Clerk
Legal SNP 9010
Notice is hereby given that the Clark Fork City Council will be holding a public hearing on Wednesday, October 10, 2007 at 6:30 p.m. at the Clark Fork City Hall, 110 E. 3rd Street, Clark Fork, Idaho to give citizens the opportunity to comment. The Public Hearing will be for a Variance Request made by the Baptist Church for a porch to be installed over the main entry to the church at 109 W. 2nd Street, in Clark Fork for safety reasons. Any person wishing to see the proposed request or would like to make written comments, should contact the City of Clark Fork prior to the meeting. The City Clerks regular office hours are 8 a.m.-12 noon weekdays or you may call (208) 266-1315.
Jonell Davisson
City Clerk
Legal SNP 9014
October 3, 9, 2007