Encourage Crapo to sponsor FREA changes
Increased fees to recreate on public lands have been a dark cloud over our country.
The cloud first appeared in 2004 when the Federal Lands Recreation Enhancement Act was passed as a rider — without any public hearings, debate or vote in Congress. The law greatly increases the kind, location, and amount of recreation fees. Its opponents call it the RAT (Recreation Access Tax).
The cloud darkened when the Forest Service created even more fees and eligible locations not covered by the law, such as fees for backcountry camping or just "passing through" public lands.
In 2005, more than 400 Sandpoint citizens signed a petition demanding RAT's repeal. Our local state Rep. George Eskridge, R-Dover, then introduced resolution, HJM014, co-sponsored by state Rep. Eric Anderson, R-Priest Lake, demanding repeal of the RAT. The Idaho Legislature unanimously passed it.
Now there is a real storm building, which very possibly might sweep away the clouds. Sen. Max Baucus , D-Mont., has drafted a bill, entitled "Fee Repeal and Enhanced Access." which would repeal most of those recreation fees authorized by the RAT.
FREA needs a co-sponsor. Sen. Mike Crapo, R-Idaho, has been one of the most vocal critics of forest fees.
What can we do to help let the sun shine on public lands again? Contact Sen. Crapo, asking that he become a co-sponsor of FREA.
Sen. Crapo's Washington, D.C., can be reached by fax at (202) 228-1375, by phone at (202) 224-6142; and the only way to e-mail is through his Web site: http://crapo.senate.gov/contact/email.cfm.