Gas tax, licensing fees should not be increased
You will all be amazed, but I must take issue with the ITD. Sorry guys, funding is locked in for the byway and the people are already taxed and fee'd up the ying yang. I urge our representatives to vote against any of their requested increases of the gas tax or licensing fees next session or maybe we'll find new representatives in the next election. You Republicans are all for less and fewer taxes. Here's a way to prove it to the average working citizen.
With the general sales tax collection up 85 percent, find a way to share that with the ITD if necessary instead of siphoning us even more.
On the positive side, I understand the BNSF is, as we speak, penning the transfer of the necessary property to the ITD for the byway and with bidding about to start, I urge the courts to toss out any suit by the narrow special interest group known as NICAN as well as any by the so-called Sandpoint Citizens for the Tunnel. Its founder and, as far as I can tell, sole member, is a California resident and has no interest here other than a condo several hundred yards from the byway route. He simply doesn't want the added noise that will join with the already frequent train traffic. Should have looked before you leaped on that one, Steve.