Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Defend Constitution and impeach Bush cabal

| September 19, 2007 9:00 PM

An open letter to our representative and senators:

Upon taking office, you raised your hand and took an oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States.

Bush, Cheney and others in the administration also similarly swore to "… preserve, protect and defend the Constitution …"

Unfortunately, this cabal has made a mockery of the Constitution, and I am sure that you are aware of many of the numerous, serious violations of constitutional law that they have committed. More unfortunately, our Congress has allowed them to get away with it, perhaps even being in complicity with those felons.

On May 9, Bush issued Presidential Directives NSPD-51 and HSPD — and

These lawless orders effectively set the stage for a coup d'etat to complete the establishment of a Nazi type of dictatorship right here in the land of the free. A whole set of concentration camps have already been prepared. We have been warned by reliable sources that a series of well-coordinated al-Qaida types of attacks are imminent in this country, perhaps with the involvement of our government as in 9/11. When those "terrorist" attacks occur, good-bye democracy.

Since Bush and company have launched us into a perpetual war, it appears that we will never return to a democracy unless you, our representatives in the Congress, act in accordance with your sworn oaths to "support and defend the Constitution" by immediately bringing impeachment proceedings against the president, vice president and others in the cabal to end our democracy.

Each citizen that your presumably represent is hereby urged to contact you immediately to urgently demand that you do your sworn duty.

