Corps sets conditions on draft permit
After an extensive application review, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Walla Walla District, issued a draft permit to the Idaho Transportation Department for the Sand Creek Byway.
The Department of the Army draft permit was issued with conditions to
minimize impacts to Sand Creek and to mitigate wetlands proposed to be filled
for construction of the project.
The conditions are:
1. Turbidity curtains, cofferdams, sheet piles or other types of cofferdams
will be used to keep work areas isolated from flowing water, dewater
construction areas, and to prevent erosion of sediments into Sand Creek and
Lake Pend Oreille.
2. Prior to the removal of the temporary inflatable cofferdams, temporary
turbidity curtains will be installed around the perimeter of the cofferdams.
Individual cofferdam segments will be slowly and carefully deflated so that
water is slowly returned to the proposed dredging location to minimize
turbidity in Sand Creek. Turbidity curtains shall not be removed until water
quality testing indicates that turbidity levels in the dredging area do not
exceed those in Sand Creek.
3. Dredging shall occur only during the winter drawdown or low water period.
4. All clearing and grubbing immediately adjacent to Sand Creek shall be
done during the winter drawdown or low water period.
5. All disturbed soil areas along Sand Creek, including authorized fill
areas, shall be adequately stabilized and protected to minimize erosion of
sediment into open water areas.
6. Best Management Practices will be installed as specified in the Storm
Water Pollution Prevention Plan to isolate any potential water run-off from
disturbed areas into Sand Creek and Lake Pend Oreille during storm events.
7. All surface water and water generated from dredging activities will be
pumped to stormwater treatment ponds, construction detention basins,
vegetated swales, or stormwater treatment systems and treated to eliminate
turbidity prior to discharge in Sand Creek through controlled outlets.
8. Fish passage in the project area will be maintained throughout
construction of the project.
9. Construction of the North Interchange Mitigation Site shall occur as soon
as possible once the initial function of sediment pond during construction is
no longer necessary. The site will be contoured and planted per the "US 95
Sandpoint, North & South, North Interchange Wetland Mitigation Plan" sheets
2-4 of 14. The following acreage and wetland types shall be established:
0.51 acres of forested wetlands, 0.18 acres of scrub-shrub wetlands, and 0.86
acres of emergent wetlands.
10. Construction of the Habitat Enhancement Areas shall be completed
concurrent with project construction to mitigate for impacts to aquatic areas
as a result of the construction of the pedestrian/bicycle path.
11. Mitigation sites shall be monitored for a period of five years.
Mitigation wetlands shall meet the 1987 Corps of Engineers Wetland
Delineation Manual criteria at the end of the five-year monitoring period.
For all types of wetland mitigation (emergent, scrub-shrub and forested
wetlands), the mitigation sites will have at least 45 percent cover at all
sample sites at the end of three years. The mitigation wetlands will have at
least 80 percent cover at all sample sites at the end of five years. The
mitigation sites will have an observable, continual increase in cover
percentage, plant species diversity, and plant age/size class diversity
throughout the five-year monitoring period. The sites will allow for natural
recruitment of desirable wetland species to be included as cover and as
species diversity during long-term monitoring. The mitigation wetlands shall
be dominated by native vegetation. Non-native noxious weeds shall cover less
than 10 percent of the mitigation sites at the end of three years. For
scrub-shrub wetland mitigation sites, ITD will establish at least 15 percent
cover of all shrub species at the end of three years, and 30 percent cover of
all shrub species at the end of the five-year monitoring period. ITD shall
maintain at least 75 percent survival of planted shrubs at the end of the
five-year monitoring period. For forested wetland mitigation sites, ITD will
establish at least 15 percent cover of all tree species at the end of three
years, and establish at least 30 percent cover of all tree species at the end
of the five-year monitoring period. ITD shall maintain at least 75 percent
survival of planted trees and shrubs at the end of the five-year
monitoring period. Wetland mitigation sites monitoring reports shall be
submitted to this office by the following January of each year monitoring is
required. Should the site(s) not meet the success criteria above at the end
of the five-year monitoring period, ITD will submit a contingency plan.
12. ITD is responsible for the long-term maintenance of the Sandpoint High
School Mitigation Site, North Interchange Mitigation Site, and the Habitat
Enhancement Areas regardless of any agreements made with third parties
related to these sites.
13. ITD shall provide copies of all written agreements executed with the
Cities of Sandpoint and Ponderay regarding the operation and maintenance and
protection of the Habitat Enhancement Areas within one year of the completion
of construction of these areas. However, this does not relieve ITD of the
responsibility for long-term maintenance of these areas.
14. Four core samples of new surface material at the channel hydraulic
dredging site would be collected after the final grade has been reached and
prior to the removal of the cofferdam. Samples will be collected when the
final grade has been reached to assure the required one-foot sample depth is
achieved. If samples from the newly exposed channel bottom have contaminant
concentrations above the Dredged Material Evaluation Framework screen levels
and Idaho Initial Default Target Levels, an additional one foot of material
would be removed and the excavation backfilled with clean fill to the
designed elevation to prevent direct contact with the water column and biota.
15. ITD shall comply with all requirements of the Memorandum of Agreement
developed and executed on April 14, 2005 between the Idaho State Historic
Preservation Office, FHWA, ITD, the Corps (Walla Walla and Seattle
Districts), the Kootenai Tribe of Idaho, and the Kalispel Tribe to mitigate
adverse effects of the project on historic properties.