Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Race, gender, religion are not the issue

| April 2, 2008 9:00 PM

People and their values are the real issue. Elliot Spitzer is a person who neglected to heed his values and was exposed. I do not care about his race or religion, as they are not to blame for his current problems and rightfully so. Michael Vick and his illegal dog fighting activities are what created his demise. Poor values and poor judgements landed him in prison.

Sen. Barak Obama's former pastor, the Rev. Wright, was not speaking under Nazi rule, when he said things that were offensive to many Americans. He was only exercising the fundamental right of freedom of speech.

Tiger Woods' lineage is Asian/African-American, but he should be viewed first as an outstanding golf player with good values. His religion and ancestry did not make him famous. Hillary Clinton, may have a trait some consider to be important when they enter the voting booth - forgiveness of her husband's transgressions.

“We the people” are a nation of many religions, races, gender and values. It becomes more apparent that we should make our choice on the values of a person. Competency is what is fundamentally important.

