Community needs to support BGH nurses
The nurses at Bonner General Hospital are trying to get the hospital management to finish negotiating a union contract that has been dragging on for 18 months. A number of nurses that I've contacted have expressed their frustration in what appears to be foot-dragging by BGH management.
I have also been informed that management has hired an extremely expensive senior consultant who comes from Management Performance International, Inc., a Cincinnati, Ohio, corporation, that boasts on its Web site, that it has a success rate of more than 95 percent in keeping their work environment union free. This high-paid consultant also boasts that he specializes in union free labor-relation programs.
These programs are just outright union-busting tactics used to prevent our nurses from having a fair, more democratic and professional work place.
The management claims they have bargained in good faith. However, hiring a management consultant from this union-free corporation could hardly be compatible with the notion of good faith.
If you wish to support our nurses at Bonner General, write a short note saying so, sign it with your address and mail it to: Support BGH Nurses, 206 N. Fourth Ave., Sandpoint, ID, 83864. The nurses hope to facilitate the negotiations with support from our community and your response could be invaluable.