Wednesday, December 18, 2024

WBCSD needs to keep all basketball programs

| December 27, 2008 8:00 PM

When we recently learned of possible C squad cuts, we were furious. How can the school board cut a program so beneficial to our youth?

Our daughter is in the eighth grade and has played basketball since she was in second grade. She has been involved in PRYAA, school league and AAU leagues - along with a whole group of talented young athletes. Next year, we hope she has the abilities to make the JV squad, but if not, she would be on the C-squad team if they still have one.

We've watched these girls and also followed the boys team and they will be missing out terribly if this program is gone. We don't see how the West Bonner County School Board can cut such a wonderful program for our youth. Once gone, programs are hard, and sometimes impossible, to bring back.

 If cutting this program is on your agenda, before doing so, let the community know so it we can try to save it. Parent pay has not been discussed - nothing has been discussed.

This is wrong and needs to be thought through better prior to making this decision. If this is to be done, an information letter should be sent out and a community meeting held.

If our youth do not have organized after school activities to do, they find other things to do which are not always good. Sports are an awesome activity for our youth to be involved in. Our young athletes are proud to represent their schools and do the best job they can in doing so. 

 We are very sure that there are many other areas that the budget could be cut if indeed necessary - staff paid cell phones for one.

 If this program is cut, there will be many students who would love to play who will never play again. If kids work hard at something and have to take a year off and "try" to play catch up the next year, it usually doesn't happen.

 We have some of best eighth-grade teams in years playing ball this year. These kids will be joining the high school next year. Some of them will make the JV team, some won't. Those who won't will play C squad/freshman basketball next year if there is still a program. If not, we're fairly sure they won't play again.

We would hate to see these kids, the current youth at risk, and the upcoming youth … who have played ball for years, went to camps, played AAU … not be able to continue doing what they've worked so hard for because someone needs a cell phone or raise vs. not getting that and allowing our youth programs to continue.

 Please keep this program for both current and future athletes.


Priest Lake