Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Iowa caucus was full of frenzied confusion

| January 9, 2008 8:00 PM

Wasn't it an interesting Iowa caucus? Those wacky Democrats added their own unique twist to the proceedings and it was quite entertaining. I scratch my head and ask, "Why is it set up this way?"

First off, each candidate has to milk a lot of dinero out of people. But in all fairness, Republicans do the same. States back east fight over who gets the first caucus date. It's a big tourist and media draw, you know … but here the similarities go awry.

A democratic caucus can be likened to standing in the middle of the stock exchange when the annual crop reports are first unveiled. Chauffeurs hold up signs with a candidate's name, shouting, "We'll pick you up and babysit your kids if you'll stay and vote." Caucus-goers are drawn to their candidate of choice and form groups. As the frenzy progresses, a head count is taken, and the top three groups are established. All other chauffeurs are dismissed, leaving their now-displaced caucus-goers without a candidate. But never fear, they are assimilated into the other three. When the dust settles, another head count is taken and delegates are awarded.

In a Republican caucus, it is a straw vote. People come, they vote andgo home.

It is so typical that Democrats bring this same chaos into the government. Take a gander at our Democrat-controlled Congress. Here's a disturbing thought, if something happened to Bush and Cheney, Pelosi would be president.


Priest River