Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Kayak licensing makes no sense

| July 26, 2008 9:00 PM

To our legislators;

We would strongly urge you to vote against any legislation or scheme to require licensing on a kayak. Good grief, a kayak makes no noise, it does not pollute, it has a small foot print, it has no motor, it is a good source of exercise, and it makes no wake.

A “nature friendly” mechanism if ever there was one. It is as if legislators lay awake at night trying to conjure up methods to transfer their constituents’ money from their bank accounts to the governments.

In the event it has escaped the radar screen of all elected officials, city, county, state and federal, I might remind you all that the people whom all of you represent are fast becoming disenchanted with the way their wishes are being misappropriated. In this climate that now exists with the depreciation of the dollar’s buying power and America’s dependence on foreign energy, most of your constituents are rethinking just how poorly this country has been run since World War II. Our dependency on no one has been shifted to dependency on everyone.

I can see writing on the wall indicating that nationwide, the sileny majority is very soon going to demand accountability. Those elected officials who have bowed to special interest groups, ignoring the wishes of the majority whom elected them into office will surely be replaced with someone who will represent the desires of the people who put them there in the first place. Elected officials are put in a position in the “People’s House” only to represent the wishes of the people who voted them there. Too many elected officials forget this.

If “The shoe fits, wear it.” If it doesn’t, we would appreciate your voting against licensing kayaks.

