Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Calling all Sustainably Savvy Sandpoint Supporters,

| June 11, 2008 9:00 PM

This letter is an attempt to develop a list of locally committed citizens who understand the power of a healthy local economy. I am proposing that we support the development of our community by publically agreeing to buy locally.I will use the example of a baker to show you how this might work.

How many loaves of bread does a bakery have to sell in a week to turn a little profit? What if a local baker knew that a thousand local citizens agreed to buy at least one loaf of bread a week? Would that be enough of an income base to create a secure business? Would this bakery then be able to hire a couple of employees at over minimum wage to produce wholesome organic products? I don't have the answers but I would like to know what it would take because I would like to buy my bread from this baker.

Imagine if we expanded this example beyond the bakery. I wonder how many more local entrepreneurs would be able to supply all our needs if they knew they would be supported? How many other new businesses would be created if they had the support of a thousand local citizens who understood the power and beauty of intelligent and compassionate economics?

To me it is just plain smart to build up the local economy. It will improve community resiliency at this time of economic uncertainty, lessen our carbon footprint and foster a positive self image.

I think the first step is for like minded individuals to stand up and be counted and I want to so help make this happen by building a list of a thousand or more committed citizens. It really seems to me that there are a lot of us out there who can appreciate the wonderful benefits of a sustainable economy. Who understand that compassionate economics also promotes a healthy environment and a healthy society. This letter is about building this intent, building this list and I am asking you to join me.

If you are willing to commit to the idea or start sharing ideas, please e-mail me at

