Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Let kids explore ways to add fitness to lives

| June 21, 2008 9:00 PM

Yoga in our schools is it fitness or a dark menace?

With the problems facing our kids these days, whether or not to practice yoga seems silly and fear induced.

As long as the kids aren't encouraged to think they are practicing witchcraft or voodoo during their stretches and lunges they should be free from harm.

In fact, if they are being encouraged to not become another statistic of the obese American movement then let them do yoga, belly dancing, even swinging from a trapeze.

 I'm for kids finding ways that helps them build fitness into their lifestyle. Yet I am concerned that my own daughter has more than likely turned to cursing as her cardio class is sadistically made to run up Pine Street in the rain. I also must admit to feeling somewhat possessed when I look at my thighs during the downward facing dog pose.

There is definitely something evil behind that image. I'll pray on it and hope for a miracle.

