Error results in new ballot
SANDPOINT — A clerical error in the ballot mailed to absentee voters regarding the upcoming Lake Pend Oreille School District’s plant and facility levy will result in voters being required to recast their absentee ballots.
District officials said the source of the error was the date of the expiration term printed on the ballot.
The expiration date on the two-year levy is Dec. 31, 2010, rather than the date printed on the ballot of Dec. 31, 2011. This clerical error came to the attention of the district late Wednesday afternoon.
Clerk of the board Julie Menghini will be mailing revised ballots to those who have registered to vote absentee and to the small number of voters who have already returned their ballots.
All of those who registered to vote absentee will receive the new ballot. This packet will also include the trustee election ballot, if originally requested.
Questions regarding the process should be directed to clerk of the board, Julie Menghini at 263-5053, extension 214.