Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Be aware and very cautious

| October 25, 2008 9:00 PM

I am writing this as a concerned citizen of this great U.S.A. I was in the seventh grade at the old Farmin School when J. Edgar Hoover, the head of the FBI at the time, came to our school. The year was 1949 and he spoke to our class to warn us what was ahead for us if we let our guard down and didn't pay attention. I will never, ever forget his words.

He said, and I quote, “The evil people (it was Russia at the time) will come to our country and they will turn our children against their parents, parents against their children, our children against each other and everyone against everyone else. There will be unrest on our streets.

A very talented orator with a silver tongue will come along to lure you into his beliefs that it is the country that needs change. But that change will not be for the people, but for their own selfish motives. You will and can be pulled into a world of total control for their own beliefs and control of your life. You will have no freedom.”

I have never forgotten these words and, needless to say, I think we're there now. Please look into these two candidates' pasts and present. Look into their records. If  you want a future for your children or grandchildren, you sure don't need more liberal thinking.

I cannot and will not work to add more taxes to everything we have worked for. The mess we're in is not the Republicans' fault. Put the blame where it belongs — on the Democrats' back. That silver tongue is very convincing but not truthful.

