Thursday, March 06, 2025

Feds taking us down the road to socialism

| August 3, 2009 9:00 PM

Republic: A state or nation in which supreme power rests in all the citizens entitled to vote exercised by representatives elected, directly or indirectly, by them and responsible to them.

Socialism: Economic and political system aiming at public or government ownership of production, transferring industry from private to public or government ownership.

Today we have people in the federal administration and Congress obsessed with the love of power and money. They no longer serve or represent the peoples wants, instead only want for themselves. With lobbyists, personal favors, and side dealings, public office has become a very lucrative job with terrific benefits and perks attracting the most dubious characters.

Rights of the private citizen are routinely being eroded.  Our U.S. Constitution is being challenged daily. Our states rights are continually being replaced by federal mandates.

Today more than ever we need to defend our U.S. Constitution. We must demand all political figures rein in the federal government. We must demand that the U.S. Constitution be raised up and acknowledged by all of those who continually ignore it.

The federal government has a few people with too much extraordinary power. We, the people, are much larger in number. We need to take back our power.

Start now by demanding they stop the ludicrous “socialized health care bill.” Start now by demanding the outrageous “cap and trade bill” be halted.

Remember, Today we are a “republic.” Tomorrow is what? Republic or socialism?

