Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Sandpoint Jr. Tackle readies for a big year

| August 12, 2009 9:00 PM

SANDPOINT — Sandpoint Jr. Tackle Football will have the 2009 season weigh-ins and equipment handouts on Friday, Aug. 14 at Farmin-Stidwell, for 7th-8th grade players. The first day of practice begins on Monday, Aug. 17 at Farmin-Stidwell. Parents should be prepared for a team meeting after the first practice to get to know their child’s coach and his philosophies.

When you get good people involved good things happen. After the general meeting in July, both Jeanette Jones, of Urgent Care, and Dr. Tim Bonine, of Mountain View Family Medicine, stepped up and offered to give $10 physicals, after hours, to help out the “program.” They both turned right around and donated all of the money back to Jr. Tackle. How cool is that?

Michael Boge, owner of Zip’s Drive-In, also was big this year, allowing Jr. Tackle to hold car washes in his parking lot and offering free cones to those that had their cars washed. The money earned will go a long way to provide equipment and player scholarships. Also, the competition, from down the road , was at Zip’s washing cars, to support our cause. Thanks Marty, you did well.

This year Jr. Tackle is shooting for at least three home games per team. It’s going to be a fun year, so come out and support the Sandpoint Jr. Tackle Dawgs. It’s more fun than color TV!