Reduce foreign aid to pay for health care
I have previously written in favor of universal health care. I am sure Bob Wynhausen remembers some of my blogs to that effect. This is the one area I differ from some of my conservative colleagues, but respectfully so. You can agree to disagree without rancor.
Years ago I realized that poor folks, average folks, and too many families in my church were and are being destroyed by a lack of healthcare. With a detrimental effect upon society at large.
In this one area I break with some of my conservative colleagues and I support the sort of universal healthcare plan that was enacted in Massachusetts by moderately conservative Republican Governor Mitt Romney. I do not support Obamacare or any variation proposed by Democratic socialists.
Medicare must be left alone. If anything, enhanced. Our disgrace before the world, for which both Democrats and Republicans are responsible, is the way we treat our elderly. We should treat our elderly with the utmost of respect and consideration for what they have given us.
No one should ever be denied medical care because of inability to pay, nor should their family’s financial integrity be destroyed because of lack of funds.
How do we help to pay for it? We reduce foreign aid expenditures. My liberal Democratic father used to say: ‘charity begins at home!’ We reconsider generous expenditures in foreign aid. We can come up with substantial cost cutting measures in other areas, too.
Spirit Lake