Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Democratic socialists are out of control

| August 26, 2009 9:00 PM

Excerpted from “Democrats ‘Out of Control’ by journalist Charlie Cook (, Aug. 21):

“Many veteran Congressional election watchers, including Democratic ones, report an eerie sense of déjà vu, with a consensus forming that the chances of Democratic losses going higher than 20 seats is just as good as the chances of Democratic losses going lower than 20 seats.”

“Cook noted that President Barack Obama’s job approval rating in both their Aug. 16-18 and Aug. 17-19 averages was just 51 percent — the lowest level of his presidency. The latter sampling showed his disapproval up to 42 percent, matching his all-time low hit in the Aug. 15-17 tracking poll.”

“A new Gallup poll showing that body’s job disapproval at 70 percent among independents.”

Wow! My faith in the American electorate nationwide is being restored. Good citizens are detecting the Marxist agenda of President Obama and the Democratic socialists, the far left cabal who have hijacked the once honorable Democratic Party. They can foresee the end of the American Way and our descent under Obama into a banana republic, a “Third World Toilet” where individual freedom is jettisoned in favor of authoritarian collectivist rule. Free men turned into sheep. Disarmed at some point and unable to resist, the Second Amendment gutted by the Democratic socialist would be tyrants.

Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin, among others, are to be commended for bringing this planned travesty to public light. Watch Glenn Beck daily. Thank God for conservative scholars!


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