Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Same actions won't end in different results

| August 31, 2009 9:00 PM

Thomas Keenan finds everything wrong with the Bush Administration but wants us now to listen to “intelligent reason” so we can get the “change we voted for.”

Aside from the fact that some 59,934,814 of us actually didn’t vote for that change — and the number of those who wish they hadn’t is increasing daily — let’s examine the intelligent reasons for objecting to what this administration has so far perpetrated on us: government takeovers of major private sectors and now an attempted takeover of health care.

Intelligent reason No. 1: Stimulus and takeovers are not working. The economy is stagnant, unemployment high, and debt through the roof.  If we started paying off our debt at $1 million a day starting today, it would take us 34,000 years to do so. And yet Obama is contemplating another stimulus.

Intelligent reason No. 2: Universal health care in Canada, the United Kingdom, and Germany is imploding under the costs, and statistics show that people are dying due to rationing of care and medication.

Albert Einstein once said, “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” This seems to be lost on the current administration.

