Saturday, May 18, 2024

We need to adopt health care reform

| December 9, 2009 8:00 PM

Health care costs are the fastest growing expense the average American faces today. Ask our senior citizens, who are facing 100-percent increases in their Medicare supplemental insurance premiums next year.

The Primary purpose of the health care legislation before Congress is to reign in these excessive costs imposed by the insurance companies. It is also to provide affordable health care for 31 million Americans who don’t have health insurance.

Non-partisan congressional budget analysts show that the Senate bill would cut federal deficits by $127 billion over the next decade. That projection represents the biggest cost saving of any legislation to come before the House or Senate this year.

So how could anyone like Ruth Bushnell (Nov. 26 letter to the editor) suggest that the legislation could cause $500 billion in tax increases? Where is she getting her facts?

One out of every three Americans say someone in their family has skipped vital medications or has cut back on other medical care due to costs. The American Medical Association — representing our doctors — and AARP (American Association of Retired People) -— representing our retired people — are working hard to see this legislation is passed.

So why are some of our elective representatives fighting the most significant improvement to our health care system in our nation’s history? (Could it be contributions from the health insurance industry?) We need to contact these representatives — especially our U.S. senators, this week — and let them know where we stand on this vital issue.

