Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Would levy's failure really affect students?

| February 11, 2009 8:00 PM

Let’s make them pay so our profits don’t suffer. There are three current issues, all with an odd connection.

First is the upcoming levy on Feb. 24. All the reasons the district gives for passing the levy and they don’t mention the programs we all pay for, but are used by a tiny minority. Golf, tennis, volleyball? And how would the levy failure translate into students no longer being able to use existing computers and other facilities?

Second, Avista is asking Boise for the largest rate hike in history. Their CEO receives a million-dollar annual salary, their profits more than doubled from $24 million in 2007 to $57 million last year, but now they’re asking Boise for the right to add a $2 monthly surcharge to our bills so their bottom line doesn’t suffer the slightest when economically distressed people don’t pay or underpay their bills.

Third and finally, I have in the past donated to the food bank, usually through drives or buying extra groceries when handed a list at the entrance to a store. But now I will have to think twice as recently, in the produce section, I saw a full-size garbage can full of discarded produce — food that was either still good or was 24 hours earlier. Why wasn’t this given to the bank? The same thing happens in the meat and dairy sections as I understand and even day old bakery goods are given to farmers as animal feed. It would appear that hogs are more important than people. I’m not against the food bank and helping the less fortunate, but they’re expecting us to buy food to pad the profits of stores when so much is going to waste.

