Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Vote yes to maintain consistency in district

| February 12, 2009 8:00 PM

As I continue to look through the letters to the editor regarding the school levy, I can appreciate both sides of the issue. I have lived in this community for 22 years and have never seen our school district run so well. The school board, superintendant and many wonderful teachers and staff are dedicated to working here. It is amazing what has been accomplished here for the students on such limited funds over the last several years.

Education isn’t a faucet we get to turn on and off; we must maintain consistency. We don’t get to choose when it is convenient or financially easier to educate the children of our area. It must be done year in and year out, as hard as that may be. Our schools cannot afford further reductions. Huge cuts have already been made in recent years and even with the passing of this levy, additional cuts will still be necessary. Let’s not be responsible for the cutting of everything except basic core curriculum. For many students, it is these additional offerings such as sports, technology and extracurricular classes that keep them engaged in school. Without them, I think we will see a lot of fallout.

I say it is our privilege and obligation to look after the next generation receiving a quality, basic education! Let’s not shortchange the children. Join my husband and me on Feb. 24 by voting “yes” for the school replacement levy.

