Wednesday, December 18, 2024

LPOSD levies and the hidden wizard

| February 19, 2009 8:00 PM

Just look around and see with your own eyes. Before the economic derailment last fall, we experienced five years of a boom town. New homes were built at Schweitzer, The Idaho Club, lakeside, north, south, east and west. How many new homes, condos, apartment and commercial buildings have been added to the school tax rolls during this time? Very interesting. All newfound money for the school district and still levy after levy, along with a declining student body.

We should ask and demand the truth. Who is the wizard behind the curtain?

The bag man or woman who hides all this new wealth while the administrators cry poverty. The sky is falling! In the meantime, we are shackled with even more taxes.

The LPOSD gang makes Boss Tweed and Tammany Hall pale in comparison. A “no” vote is the only honest reply.

