Charge isn't the way to handle incident
I read in today’s Bonner County Daily Bee about the ongoing saga of the recent Sandpoint High School graduate who is guilty of poor judgment, a bad sense of humor, and a real lack of common sense. He apparently was dared and thought it would be funny to give the principal a kiss during graduation.
While this was a detestable action, the bad publicity, holding back his diploma, and admonition from friends and family more than likely showed this young man pranks like this are in really bad taste and should never happen. Another lesson in life learned! I don’t know the graduate or his family but I do know a charge of battery against him is a ridiculous thing to do. I find it hard to believe the principal who was without doubt improperly treated, would file this type of charge. It is a real stretch to call what happened battery and filing such a charge can only be labeled vindictive.