Wednesday, December 18, 2024

The millionth word in the English language.

| June 9, 2009 9:00 PM

I knew it had to be coming soon…and now it is here.

The millionth word in the English language. TA DAH!

The word? OK, it's two words: "Web 2.0."

This phrase was added to the English language this morning 

(Wednesday)  at 5:22, right when you were thinking about getting up 

and your kids or grandkids were thinking about sleeping in on the 

first day of summer vacation,

According to CNN the term refers to the second, more social 

generation of the Internet.

English has the most words or any language and is global.

Since we communicate primarily in a million-word language, why is it 

we keep hearing the same words over and over in movies and popular 

media? Why are "F-bombs" so commonplace? I made the mistake of 

listening to the lyrics from some of my 13-year-old's CD and man oh 

man, I thought my CD player was going to melt.

Whatever happened to good words? Nice words? Kind words? When is the 

last time you heard the word "love" in a song that wasn't sung by the 


If there are indeed a million words, wouldn't it be great to get a 

handle on some of the good ones once again.

What are some of words you would like to see make a comeback?

I could do without anything gangsta for awhile and would love to 

listen or read people use the English language with a little respect. 

We now have a president who can speak in complete sentences, wouldn't 

it be great if it caught on?