Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Obama's citizenship has already been resolved

| June 13, 2009 9:00 PM

This letter is in response to Mr. Carl Stout’s letter regarding President Barack Obama’s citizenry and right to hold the office of president of the United States.:

In June, 2008 in response to rumors that Mr. Obama was not a U.S. citizen, the Obama campaign made a copy of his certificate of live birth available on the Internet.

Although some “self- proclaimed experts” pronounced the certificate a forgery, in October 2008, Hawaiian officials, who have the original birth certificate, have verified the document as a valid birth certificate with an embossed seal and signature issued by the state of Hawaii. Moreover, both major Hawaiian newspapers published the birth announcement in their papers on August 1961. State officials say there is no doubt that Barack Obama was born in Hawaii. 

In October 2008 a lawsuit challenging President Obama’s citizenry and right to hold office were dismissed in U.S. District Court by a federal judge as being “frivolous and not worthy of discussion.” A similar suit was dismissed in March 2009. This information can all be verified through public records.

In reference to Mr. Stout’s demand for our representatives to provide proof of the president’s citizenship, I submit that this issue has been visited and resolved over and again. Perhaps it is time for Mr. Stout to become educated on the issues prior to spreading misinformation. It’s time to move on!

