Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Reverse racism claims are extremely stupid

| June 13, 2009 9:00 PM

Mr. Adamik from Spirit Lake listens to Rush Limbaugh and calls Democrats all kinds of kind, neighborly names, like Marxist. Then dares anyone to put a “spin” on Sonia Sotomayor’s remarks which seem to have gotten his panties all in a bunch.

First off, those who seriously listen to Rush, dance to the beat of a different drummer, and can usually do little more than make the rest of us shake our heads. But this isn’t an attempt to talk anyone out of being a hate monger, 250 words can do only so much.

With the Republican Party barely keeping their heads above water, loud mouth entertainers like Rush are shamelessly the only show in town. And, unfortunately, he’s getting more than enough extra airtime. The media seems to have no sense other than watching its ratings and replay Rush to incite the natives. And since the “Bee” decided in its vast wisdom to echo Rush, with their chosen title to Adamik’s letter  ‘Sotomayor is a reverse racist’ and there you have it, a reason enough to take the big, scary dare …

I absolutely love and applaud that Sonia Sotomayor acknowledges that there are some things a ‘Latina woman’ can be faced with that no white man has a clue about. “Reverse racism,” asinine.

Sotomayor’s life experience does differ from the average male and she will bring wisdom with that experience. Give us a voice, we make up over half of the population, and give birth to all of you.

