Thursday, March 06, 2025

Democrats threw Hillary under the bus

| June 27, 2009 9:00 PM

The Democratic Socialists blew their chance to have a woman President in their collectivist male chauvinistic backlash in the last presidential election, throwing Hillary Rodham Clinton under the bus for Barack Hussein Obama, an even more radical Marxist believer. Just when women, for the first time in our nation’s history, looked to a female President to run the country, the “Good Ole’ Boys Club” in the far left wing of the Democratic Party opted for a wholly inexperienced male interloper.

Now on the reverse side, many conservative Republicans are for Sarah Palin for President, and Ann Coulter for U.S. Attorney General and eventually, a coveted seat on the U.S. Supreme Court. We are not an inclusive ‘male only’ club, as most Democratic Socialists tend to be from the compelling evidence of the day.

After all, action speaks louder than words. When Hillary had it in the bag, Democratic male chauvinists swept her out of consideration with an underhanded sexist agenda that was heard loud and clear throughout the land. I am surprised that Democratic Socialist women have not instituted a backlash against their Democratic hippie men in retaliation for their male chauvinist uprising in the Presidential election. Now HRC has been relegated to a rather ineffective Secretary of State, moreover no longer a political force of any real substance to oppose Barack Obama, the ‘ONE’.

Disenfranchised Democratic women, come out from under the bus and join with conservatives for equal rights!


Spirit Lake