Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Spokane needs to keep its hands off our water

| March 25, 2009 9:00 PM

Spokane is so wasteful with their water resources that their river is drying up. It’s a clear sign of how out of touch with reality some people are. They can’t seem to understand the fact that in a world with limited natural resources, if you always keep using more of something, you will eventually run out.

And even though their river is drying up, as a result of their wastefulness — they still don’t get it! They are now asking permission to suck our lakes and rivers dry. They want to start pumping water from Pend Oreille into the Spokane River (They say low river levels don’t look good to tourists)

Spokane is like a friend with a drinking problem. They harming themselves (the people in Spokane who will soon not have water to drink) and everyone around them (everything that lives in the river). They’ve used up all of their money (water) on booze (wasteful agricultural/industrial practices, and unchecked suburban sprawl). And now they’re coming to me and asking to start using my money.

I don’t give drunks money — they just go get drunk with it.

We should tell them no. We’re not going to start supporting their habit. They are going to have to spend a lot of money to get set up to start wasting our water supply. They should spend that money to enact stricter water laws, fund water regulation programs, and start educational programs to train farmers, factories and developers how to use water in a reasonable manner.

