Participants were regular people who love the U.S.
I love how liberals talk about eight years of Bush as if it were disaster and everyone is in agreement. He actually did a great job for six years including his response to 9/11 and securing and freeing Afghanistan and Iraq.
The incessant bashing by the media for eight years certainly came from anger over Gore’s loss in 2000. After 2006 with the Democratic Congress in place, I feel Bush began to spend way too much to appease the new legislative majority. Bush’s biggest mistake was not pressing the oversight and regulation of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac earlier in the going, despite pressure from Democratic policy makers to loan to anyone whether qualified or not. The spending that has taken place since the new president took over is unprecedented and reckless in the current recession caused by these bad loans and their handling and subsequent sale.
Thus, the people took to the streets on April 15 to peacefully demonstrate discontent over the taxes that will surely follow to support this unending spending that continues to unfold. The dismissive attitude demonstrated by the bias media on the “tea parties” is s serious error in judgment.
These protests were attended by real citizens from all persuasions who don’t like seeing our country sold out in six months with this bully “you elected me, now you eat it” entitlement-based agenda we are seeing. We are not crazy right-wingers mad about losing, but everyday citizens who love our country and don’t want to see it change into where it’s going without a say. Don’t forget nearly half the country did not vote for Obama.