True size of crowd upsets liberal left
As a hobbyist devoted to proving the existence of extraterrestrial visitations and evidence of some intelligent life in Bob Wynhausen’s letters, I suspect I will prove the former before the latter.
Bob, though we know he tries hard, produces breath-taking non-sequiturs (a previous letter stated, “(Clinton) raised taxes on the wealthiest Americans, triggering an economic boom” and gaps in logic at times bewildering. Searching for rationality in his letters is akin to trying to get a drink of water from a garden hose not connected to the spigot. He now complains that the “right” uses false data to bolster its claims, a discussion-worthy topic were it true, but it turns out Bob is upset at the different reports of the crowd sizes on Sept 12 in Washington, D.C., and, oh, some must “hold great resentment at a black man being in the White House,” and some had “odious” signs and … and … well, it was all just a dismal failure. At least Bob was watching, a threshold of pain not bearable by most liberals.