Saturday, January 18, 2025

Actions, not politics, dictate pulling funding

| September 19, 2009 9:00 PM

I hope everyone reading this is aware of the latest ACORN corruption that occurred in their Baltimore office which entailed offering advice on setting up a prostitution ring involving underage girls from El Salvador. This particular situation has been publicized on only a few major outlets, such as the Wall Street Journal and FOX news channel — you won’t see this information on most of our mainstream media outlets.

This is a very appalling display of ACORN’s perversion of the principles of our country’s original values. I would ask the following questions:

• What action will you take to effect the removal of ACORN from receiving any federal budget dollars now and in the future?

• What action will you take to effect the removal of this organization from participating in the upcoming Census?

• What action will you take to effect a government investigation of this organization and its use of government money (our money provided by taxes)?

• Why is our president supporting this organization? 

If you have any doubts about this, please review his close ties with this organization – there is convincing information available that clarifies this relationship if you look for it.

In addition to the morally unacceptable behavior of ACORN in this situation, I as a taxpayer believe that providing tax dollars to this organization is shocking. This is not the first, nor the last we shall hear about ACORN’s predilection for unethical practices.

What has happened to the principle of ‘country first, me last’ from our legislators?  I spent a major portion of my role as a parent to encourage and impress an ethical life to my child only to see our politicians destroying my message. Corruption in government has helped foster corruption in our society. This is not a Republican or Democrat issue — it is an American issue. It’s time to contact our representatives and senators to request quick action to remove all federal funding from the ACORN organization and eliminate their role from the upcoming Census.

