Monday, March 10, 2025

Right uses false data to bolster its claims

| September 21, 2009 9:00 PM

Last Saturday Glenn Beck, Fox News and FreedomWorks organized a protest against the Obama Administration, the 9/12 March on Washington. For an event that was billed to bring the country back to the national sense of unity we felt on 9/12/01 it was a dismal failure. Some people carried the most odious signs I’ve seen since Obama walked on to the national stage. Clearly, some hold great resentment at a black man being in the White House.

While it was surprisingly well attended, reports of event turnout serve as a metaphor for the ongoing debates between the left and the right.

FreedomWorks president, Matt Kibbe claimed attendance of 1-1 1/2 million citing ABC News as his source. Michelle Malkin’s estimate was 2 million. Denying Kibbe’s claim, ABC reported an estimated attendance of 70,000 based on reports by the Washington, D.C. fire department.

Once again, those on the right try to make their arguments with fabricated data. When are we going to learn that they just make stuff up to sustain unsupportable positions?

Debate should focus on facts. Unfortunately, conservatives have few facts to buttress their positions so they have to resort to lies. Rep. Joe Wilson is a perfect example.

