Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Where is the change we were promised?

| September 21, 2009 9:00 PM

The government has devalued our currency by printing money. This will make everyone holding dollars poorer, including our country.

They might pass “Cap and Trade.” That will increase the cost of food, clothing and shelter, etc. Everyone will be hit by this, but the hardest hit will be the poor and those with low incomes. The government is not looking out for them. Higher energy costs will cause a lot of businesses to close. This will cause more job losses which will further deepen the recession.

They are trying to pass legislation like the “Fairness Doctrine” which it appears is an attempt to stifle criticism. If it passes it will be hard to find criticism of their policies. The media appears to already be largely corrupted.

The government consistently lies with impunity. They seem to think we are dense enough not to recognize it. They may be right! They gave ACORN, a group that is being investigated for voter fraud and other illegal activities, about a billion dollars. ACORN got caught recently doing something illegal and they are now being distanced. (What about the billion?) The President used to work for them!

Presidential advisors have their ranks filled with tax evaders, radicals, even a self proclaimed Communist who was forced to resign recently. What is their plan?  Is it to help or hurt our country?

I think, if we allow the change they want, we will soon find ourselves a third world power.

