It's time to hold all politicians accountable
The audacity of President Obama’s hypocrisy is astonishing. In March 28 Associated Press article, the first line reads, “On an Afghanistan trip shrouded in secrecy, President Barack Obama demanded accountability from the country’s leaders, greater vigilance against corruption and better governing …”
But when a president buys votes in order to pass his health care obsession, it is nothing less than corruption in the first degree. Even so, you won’t find Democratic congressmen from California, Nebraska, or Louisiana holding him accountable.
Obama’s blemished background should have prevented him from ever becoming a congressman, let alone president of the United States: His association with the likes of domestic terrorist Bill Ayers and communist radical Frank Marshall Davis, his 20-year membership in an anti-American church, his admitted drug use, his refusal to produce a valid American birth certificate, the ACORN voter fraud scandal, his strongly-socialist political bent, his weak stand against Islamic terrorism, and the list goes on and on.
It’s time to hold this president and our congressmen accountable. For Obama to demand accountability, vigilance against corruption, and better governing from the president of Afghanistan makes him (Obama) a first-class hypocrite — not the type of person we need in the office of president.
Come time for casting our ballots this year as well as in 2012, let’s aim higher as far as moral character goes. Let’s elect leaders we can be proud to look up to, not self-serving narcissists who think too highly of themselves and don’t care what the people want or need. Let’s put people in office who are willing to be held accountable for their words and deeds. And then, after all is said and done, let us do hold them accountable.