Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Residents make area a great place to live

| August 28, 2010 9:00 PM

On Saturday, Aug. 7, a caring community came together at the Clark Fork Senior Center to take part in a bingo night to assist Jonell Davvison, a popular lady who is suffering from several virulent cancers. This lady had found herself without insurance, not old enough for Medicare, and unable to meet the requirements for Medicaid.

The Clark Fork Methodist Ladies, with the help of many generous and caring friends, met the challenge and a good time was had by the 100-plus people who attended the bingo event. Most importantly, $2,289 was raised to assist Jonell.  She was able to stay for part of the evening, and she was very pleased and saw the funds raised as a real blessing.

The bingo event was only possible because the greater community pitched in to help even in an economic tough time. Help was in the form of the senior center providing space, volunteers to set up tables, and the many individuals and businesses who provided the handsome bingo prizes. These generous supporters reached out from Sandpoint and the whole region. 

This kind of community spirit is another reason this is a great place to live. 

