GOP record speaks for itself on taxes
Please excuse my hysterical laughter, giggles and snickers, but the letter in the Jan. 3 Daily Bee from the gentleman who moved to Bottle Bay in 1995 and complains of the tripling of his taxes since then strikes me as very funny indeed. I don’t doubt a word of it.
Here were are, Idaho, probably one of the most “red” states in the country and its citizens complain of high taxes. Well, this is just the latest example of what I’ve always thought about the hypocritical Republicans and their no tax/lower tax mantra.
Empty rhetoric, except of course if you’re well off or a big company, then you realize that taxes for the average individual have actually continued going up as the Republicans who have had a stranglehold on the Legislature and the governor’s office for years have merely shifted the tax burden from those special interests to the average taxpayer.
Locally, ditto. Two out of three office holders are Republican, taxes continue upward with no apparent results for the common person. Roads in terrible shape as they continue whining for more taxes for schools, jails, water/sewer infrastructure, yadda, yadda, yadda.
Back to the state level, let’s not forget that poor old Simplot company or Albertson’s who need yet another tax break so they can stay in business.
Same on the national level, budgets in the black when Clinton was in, the largest deficits in history when Reagan and Bush Jr. were in charge. A trillion spent on a trumped up Mideast war with less than zero benefit for the citizens of this country.
So, bottom line, whenever you hear a Republican official or candidate say anything about lower taxes, just walk away. He’s not talking to you.
I’ve been a life-long Democrat and have been dismayed in recent years with some of the things my party has come up with, but could you do much worse in the tax department for the average citizen?
I don’t think so. The Republican record speaks for itself.