Patriots joining forces against all terrorism
The American Patriots seem to be awakening. Is that the sound of hoofbeats I hear? Who is that rider in the dark? Do I see a light? A warning of political crooks a comin’, “One if by land, and two if by sea.” Ah! It’s one light, this attack is “by land,” from within.
Is that the words of John Paul Jones I hear? Our ship may be nearly wrecked and sinking but this fellow Scotsman has “just begun to fight”. Did you know, in American history, Gens. Washington, Grant, Patton, MacArthur, and more than 70 percent of all American generals, were Scotsmen who fought and won in the worst of conditions and impossible odds?
When planes are hijacked and bombs threatened, who stopped an attack on the capital by taking down a plane in Pennsylvania, stopped the shoe bomber, stopped the Fort Hood shooter, stopped the crotch bomber, and landed a plane on the Hudson?
It wasn’t any government “intelligence” or “security” agency. It was regular American people who stepped up to do whatever it took. The odds were against them, they were untrained, but they put the life of others before their own and won truly glorious victories.
Patriots man your battle stations; take weapons of words and ballots to defend your freedoms, let’s stop this lying, secretive, partisan, job killing, and bankrupting spending spree.
Let us together, pledge our loyalty and fortunes to the good of God and country. If we have nothing in our lives worth fighting and dying for, do we have anything worth living for? We the people are the only ones who can save the American nation and its way of life.
With our fellow patriot, Patrick Henry, let us proclaim and act on his words, “give me liberty or give me death.”
No terrorist or corrupt government an withstand the American people when they are at their best.