Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Fair board should send GOP packing

| July 12, 2010 9:00 PM

Most of us have from time to time had neighbors that embarrassed us by their actions. That’s how I felt last week when I heard about the Bonner County Republican Party’s position on changing the fair theme of their booth from fiesta to celebration. They’re promoting an “English only” political position to express support for the anti-immigration Arizona law.

When I moved to Newport seven years ago my friends and family had heard about the area’s Nazi movement and incidents like Ruby Ridge. I assured them that I wasn’t moving to an area where racism is promoted by white supremacy. That’s until the Republican Party announced their attack on the Spanish/Mexican culture. Removing a heritage culture and replacing it with bigotry and racism is something you expect with fascism. Republicans have become masters at mixing religion, patriotism, language, and race with politics. They seek votes by offering citizens a misguided way to express their anger and frustration with today’s political and economic problems.

County fairs are for family fun and to display what you have created. I encourage the fair board to send the Republicans packing to their own celebration.

