Administration clueless on improving economy
The Obama Administration seems to be clueless about how to get our country moving forward economically again. Perhaps if Obama had spent more of his college years reading Adam Smith’s classic “Wealth Of Nations” versus the Marxist propaganda he boasted of studying, he might have a better understanding of why our country is in this current financial mess, and how to fix it.
The Obama presidency, and many previous ones, have implemented socialist stranglehold policies of overtaxation, overregulation and subsidies of private business, redistribution of wealth, deficit spending, etc.
The results? Higher unemployment, less US production of goods and services, lower standard of living, exponentially increasing personal and national debt, increased mistrust and skepticism of government, less freedom, greater dependency on government handouts, weaker national defense etc.
The world has witnessed time and again the utter failure of socialist, Marxist, fascist and communist principles of economy. While capitalism has its faults and limitations, it built the healthiest, wealthiest, strongest, most free nation the modern world has ever known.
Why not learn from history and return to a system of economy that works?